I have often mentioned how shy I was and in fact in many ways still am. In my life I can count three times when my shyness evaporated around the opposite sex and KT is one of those three, the other two being Lyn from HS and my late wife Lynn. One common thread between each of those three and me is that we were great friends as well as couples.
Those were interesting and often trying times because - you see - high school does not prepare you for the real world. You get to figure that out by yourself with the assistance of your friends and some times family. So, for the next three years or so we wandered down the yellow brick road, never quite finding our way. I had met Lynn and so for a time I was dating a pair of extraordinary young ladies. KT and I were in the process of no longer being a couple but still being friends - in someways closer than ever.
After Lynn and I were married KT and I drifted apart - I stopped working at Sears and she was running full steam ahead in her nursing career and was married herself.
At one point I emailed her via Classmates and we exchanged emails and then again went about our lives, knowing that things were apparently fine.
A week or so ago, on a whim I searched Facebook and found her. I let a couple of our old Sears pals know, and they immediately sent KT friend requests, one - her old roommate Jan - telling her I had passed on the info. And then a friend request came to me with a "snippy" note suggesting we be Facebook friends as well. I laughed out loud at that as I could see her eyes twinkling with mischief as she politely suggested I was being an idiot by not asking.
Since then we have been catching up. She had an interesting, varied career in nursing, was married nearly as long as Lynn and I but had unfortunately lost her husband last year. We both have had good lives filled with the joy and heartache that comes with life on the third rock from the sun.

This is a remarkable story Chuck and I congratulate you on rediscovering an old friend. Modern social media and communication methods have made this possible and I can relate to this story as, I too have discovered long lost friends via the social media.
ReplyDeleteThis has been very enjoyable for both KT and myself.
DeleteWhat is a real friend? Excellent question. I made some wonderful friends on my life's travails so far. Not that all of them stick. I do stick. I do make the effort, always, contact them out of the blue. Some take it graciously, most mainly amused that I haven't relegated to the dusty loft of memories. No, no, not at all. As my first sister-in-law says "Once a friend always a friend". Indeed. Try and tell that to certain people in blog land , those who, cold heartedly, keep telling you "to over on" as if you were in some queue in Disney Land. I am not sorry for that sarky aside, just acknowledge for it being snarky.
ReplyDeleteYour story is a lovely one, you bring it across in the telling. My longest standing and continuous friendship is with someone I have known from the sandpit. There are no underlying romantic connotations. However, I'd say he is one of those friends who'll always be there for others, at the same as being almost cruelly protective of his time. Also, and this takes some strength on my part, the fiercest critic you may have the good fortune to encounter.
Happy for you sounding so upbeat,
"move on" not over on - though maybe that too.
DeleteThanks U - are you ever gonna hop back on the blog train?
ReplyDeletea great post! (love both the minions and Joe Cocker)
ReplyDelete(the romantic in me would hope for an interesting outcome...)
but that's of course from watching too many Hallmark movies! LOL
Nah Tammy - been there, done that with the result being married for 40 plus years. We never really stopped being friends though -and have relit that one by getting in touch with each other. She is on my case about a novel just like you and one of our email chats gave me a great idea.
ReplyDeleteALL is good! just the fact you're back in the part of the country that you love is number one. and a novel in the works. yup. all good!