Thursday, September 10, 2020

Why My Blog is Called Shackman Speaks and Sometimes Yells

The Old Fossil, Conrad came up with this week's blogging topic - each blogger will be substituting their blog name - Why My Blog is Called Shackman Speaks and Sometimes Yells. Well, folks, my answer is what I call a blinding flash of the obvious.

Because of many years working at RadioShack, I acquired the nickname Shackman. Since a blog is about expressing opinions, the Speaks and Sometime Yells was a natural add on to Shackman. I don't really yell much these days but I do have a tendency to be a tad sarcastic on occasion. Ya gotta have some fun once in a while. And, of course, everyone has an opinion so feel free to share as long as you can maintain a degree of civility. That degree is my choice.

Then there is the small, yet ever-expanding blogging group to which I belong. Not so long ago it was Ramana and me. Now I am part of an eight-member loose conglomeration of bloggers. For the same price as before (free) you get eight opinions for the price of one. Such a deal. Then there is the odd tune or two that I work into my little epistles. Civil discussion and entertainment - that is the root of Shackman Speaks. It also keeps me off the streets so the town of Hickory is safe.

Just for fun, here is an oldie that I am not sure was even heard in India

That completes my take on the topic chosen for us by our very own old fossil Conrad. Be sure to visit my compatriots' blogs to get their take -


  1. I, of course having worked at the Shack with you, knew where your name came from. But I find nothing connected with the oldie to which you refer. Don't yell at me for not finding it!

  2. Believe me Shackman, only you can take a simple explanation and take it into orbit the way you have done here.

  3. Ahhh. Web version, now I get the Swinging Medallions reference! That brings back memories of a good time and young bodies to enjoy it with!!

  4. they are still active and popular in SC

  5. Do you live in SC, Shackman? I have family over in Myrtle beach. Irish family with a Portuguese name. And There's Irish family and Indian family in NC. I love the name of your blog. It's as unique as you are. I also love sarcasm as long as its clever. And not too critical. I've no problem with criticism as long as its fair and not too unkind.

  6. I miss the Radio Shack and the counsel of the mgr there, but the store is long gone as is the whole chain, I guess.
