Thursday, March 7, 2019


Change. One of the constants in life - like death and taxes. How you deal with change determines the kind of life you lead.
We have been living through decades of change coming at us at breakneck speed. Our inability to keep up with that change has left many us in a state of Future Shock - a term from Alvin and Heidi Tofler in their book of the same name. Essentially it means too much change in too short a period of time.

Technology and technological change has increased dynamically. It took less than 100 years to go from  the first flight to landing on the moon. Wildly futuristic gadgets written about in the 30s are now real. The laptop computer on which this is being written is more powerful than the room sized computers of yesteryear and look at smart phones.

Granted, we have not reached the Jetsons level of technology in our homes but I suspect the wait will not be much longer. We do have robotic vacum cleaners but  mass produced flying cars may be a long way off.

There is another change about to take place and it may not be as peaceful as previous similar changes - generational change. Baby boomers are about to give control to millennials. Millennials will be the ones in power and they have a completely different mindset and outlook. There are daily rumblings in the news about what the new, younger representatives in congress think and the direction they seem to be pushing things. 

Bernie Sanders excited a new, young generation of participants in our political process and those young folks have had two plus years of the Donald Trump version of the truth and battle lines are being drawn. The man we elected because we wanted change is in the process of tearing down the institutions of our government. Bernie's social democrat pitch appealed to the young generation. The 2018 midterm election saw some serious changes in congress and it showed a new progressive lean to the far left.  The GOP is trending far right. The reality is the American electorate, GOP and Democrat , is centrist in nature. Conflict is brewing.

What we now face is a panic driven, largely older white population watching power slip away. As they scramble to legislate their particular brand of morality, the progressive young left is pushing back harder. Change is in the air.  Remember the sixties - already the alt-right is threatening civil war. The danger of an amoral leader is that Trump will not care about who he whips into a frenzy. He will simply say it is Obama's fault.

Alarmist? Perhaps but who could have envisioned the lies told daily by the defacto leader of the free world? Who could have envisioned the evangelical right would sell their collective souls to support an alleged pro life President? Stack the supreme Court with alt-right judges and the evangelicals are fine. Compare Franklin Graham's comments on the immorality of Bill Clinton with the immorality of Donald Trump. Utter hypocrisy. Every time Pat Robertson opens his mouth he embarrasses Christians - or at least they should be embarrassed. Fortunately most Christians are good people. The real ones have something I do not have - faith.

Now combine the BIG CHANGE just offered with the stress and strain of the changes in daily life. As wealth is further accumulated by a tiny percentage of the population, the once dominant American middle class that drove the world economy grows smaller. Yes unemployment is low but how many jobs does it take to live a decent life?

Change - immigration  across the southern border has been trending down for decades but saw a recent upswing. Why the upswing? Perhaps the ranting of Trump. Perhaps the legitimate upswing in asylum seekers from central American countries where society is devolving and violence is the norm?

Change - climate change is real regardless of the reason. Look at the weather patterns and trends. The world's breadbasket  will be severely impacted, and soon producing sufficient food to feed the world's population will be in jeopardy.

Change - Trumps apparent alignment of American foreign policy with that of Russia is causing issues with our allies around the world. Some now consider Angela Merkel the defacto leader of the free world.  Others consider POTUS45 a traitor who should be stood against a wall and shot.

Change - our educational system needs a massive overhaul as we strive to train and prepare the kind of workers companies will need as we race to the future. At the same time we need to bring civics and real history back to the curriculum  as well as vocational training.

Everything is not doom and gloom but we need to be aware of where we are in time. Our country has survived centuries because at the core it is populated by good people.There are excellent people that go to church regularly and care about their capital NNeighbors. There are many secular people who genuinely care about others and this world we live in .it is time to heal the divide and stop fearing the furure, Change is good. Embrace it. It's time for the country  - founded on Judeo-Christian principles to act like it.

Be sure to check Ramana's Musings for his take on change. 


  1. wow. well understood and well written! if I felt better I would probably expound and agree. if nothing else the change in my health these last few months has taught me to stand aside and enjoy others' thoughts. especially truly great ones! and I mean that. we need you in Washington. but then I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!
    going to send this to the Marine.
    I also enjoyed Rummy's take on the Friday two on one. you guys are simply wonderful. love and snoopy hugs comin' atcha! xoxo

    1. Please take care of yourself my friend. I look forward to our conversations and you need to be healthy to spar with meLOLLOL

  2. This is one of the best, if not the best pieces you’ve written here, IMHO. You summed up the situation really well. I recall when I began to feel overwhelmed with all the change at a speed causing me to think I couldn’t keep up. There seemed to be so much ever-changing new. Practices that once were true no longer were. These are unique times in which we live and I wonder if i’ll live. long enough to see how it evolves. I hope the better qualities of mankind are those that prevail and our democracy is preserved. I think that’s only possible if the world’s wealth is more equally shared and definitely in the U.S.

    1. Thank you. I usually try for light-hearted commentary but 45 is making that nigh on impossible. I too hope to have enough years left to see this generational transition through. Perhaps I shall continue to unmuzzle myself and shy away from the dumb ex-jock role I usually play.

  3. Shackman, I refrain from commenting on the contents as, I am not American. Some things like the Millenniels pushing for change is universal and the oldies struggling to retain power is equally true all over the world. The politics in my country is no less subject to change with Right Wing Hindu Nationalism on the upswing and the old guard on the retreat and in panic mode.

    I have however approached the topic rather differently as you would notice when you visit my blog and I hope its contents meets with your approval.
