Thursday, July 4, 2019


Gratitude is this week's 2-on-1 blog topic, suggested by Ramana.

"If a fellow isn't thankful for what he's got, he isn't likely to be thankful for what he's going to get." —​Frank A. Clark

"The soul that gives thanks can find comfort in everything; the soul that complains can find comfort in nothing." —​Hannah Whitall Smith

Both of the above quotes ring true to me. I am thankful for my family - yes we occasionally fight like cats and dogs but we also laugh until it hurts at other times. We don't live in big house or drive fancy cars but we have  plenty of food to eat and a roof over our heads and wheels to transport us.

I am grateful for the 10 years I was my late wife's caretaker when Huntington's Disease was taking her away from us. I knew that with me there she would aways be loved regardless of how the disease ate away at her very fiber of being.

I am grateful for the 7 decades I have lived in. We have been through more changes than the previous 2 centuries. and, I dare say, the music of our generation is the best ever. Sorry millennials. I saw the Beatles live. I have a friend who composed multi-million selling records in the sixties. I have visited 48 of our 50 states. I have visited other countries. life in general has been decent to me. I am grateful for the aches and pains I feel every morning when I get up. Consider the alternative.

My children and grandchildren have infinitely more life choices available to them than did I. They control their own destinies by the choices they make.  I hope they choose wisely.

I am grateful that I live in a country that allows us to correct the mistakes we make in election judgments every four years and that system will likely prevent us from ever being under authoritarian rule. 

Nobody is perfect by themselves. We all rely on others for assistance, friendship - in nearly every task we undertake we get input from friend and foe.  Be grateful for input from all fronts, and learn from it. 

Gratitude is a primary component of a meaningful life. When gratitude is part of your makeup, you will have a positive approach to nearly everything. If that is the case your chance of success is always better.

That's my quick take on gratitude. Be sure to visit Ramana's Musings to see what Ramana has to say,


  1. Great post Shackman. Both of us are in the same boat on this one too.

  2. I like your gratitude for the election cycle. The current state of the world causes me huge despair but I've never thought clearly about the fact there are regular opportunities to reassess

  3. Your words ring true to me as well. Most of us have a lot to be both thankful and grateful for. I am just glad I made it this far (will be 79 later this year) as most men in our family tree never made it past age 60.

  4. Every day I'm grateful for the comfortable and stimulating life I lead, when there are millions around the world who cannot escape from miserable, soul-destroying lives. I'm grateful for my partner, my friends, my full belly, my comfortable home, my good health, my relatively democratic country, and the absence of war and civil conflict.
