Thursday, September 19, 2019

What did you gain or lose by taking a risk?

This weeks topic is another result of my recent adventures traveling across country and attending a 52 year/70th birthday party reunion for my high-school class. Taking the trip was a risk.

Anyone that is more than a casual reader of this blog knows i was a multi-sport jock in  high school. I continued on with sports activities until I could no longer do so because of a combination of age and infirmities. My knees are both shot and I regularly admonished by friends to have them replaced. That's  not something I am even remotely interested in doing. Irrational? Perhaps even as irrational of my fear of flying? Probably. That just does not jibe with the self image I have always had of myself. I am from the walk-it- off generation. Just get up and walk it off, whatever "it" is. Tough it out.

Yep - that's me. Tough guy jock. Okay -maybe once upon a time, but certainly not at the ripe old age of almost 70 with very gimpy knees. There comes a time when you have to stop being or acting like something you are not. What the heck. Isn't a dose of reality a good thing? - a couple of face plants, struggling to get around and feeling like the class clown all conspire against you - reality check time. And just maybe a few new funny stories to tell.

But why does getting a more accurate picture of yourself have to be a negative thing? Isn't it a better idea to know your limitations and live accordingly?

Nobody at the reunion cared that I was in a wheel chair - even those who pushed. Like everyone, we were just plain happy to see some old friends and acquaintances and - as they say in Hawaii - talk story? Remember this event? Did you really do that? Remember the A&W Root Beer Stand on Harder Road? Whatever happened to Prings? Did you hear that the Class of 68 had Creedence Clearwater Revival at their Senior Ball? 

All because we pushed the envelope and had the first ball off campus in the school's history. And you know what happens to the cattle when that barn door is opened- LOL.

I gained a more accurate view of myself on my recent cross-country adventure. I opened myself up to whatever might happen - including those face plants. They did not even leave marks - LOL. I rolled with the punches and made the very best of eac.h situation that presented itself. Especially that hugs and kisses party right near the entrance to the hotel.

Be sure to check Ramana's Musings .

See ya next week, same bat time, same bat channel.


  1. I did not know what a face plant was and am shocked to find that you had a couple of them during your recent cross country trip. I am also however happy to see that despite those, you had a grand time and that at the end, the adventure was worth the trouble and the risks that you took. I give A+ for your spirit.

  2. Jenny and I took a big risk moving to Northern Ireland in 2000, neither of us having any specific job to go to. But we both found plenty of work and we're still very happy here.But it might have been a total disaster....

  3. still taking in the wondrous fact that you moved clear across the country. talk about starting a NEW life!!!
    very cool dude. very cool. :D
