Friday, March 5, 2021

Will the Balance of Power Be Impacted by the Pandemic?.0

With the entire world stage dominated by the Pandemic, it is interesting to contemplate how the pandemic will impact the balance of power, if at all.

I see the world stage dominated by China/India, China/USA, and China/Australia along with USA/China, USA/India, and USA/Australia relations. Russia can possibly sneak in with their relations with Central and South American countries. Primary among those relations are the world's continued  reliance on fossil fuels.

As solar and other sources are developed pay careful attention to the countries rich in the compounds that make up the lithium-ion batteries that power electric vehicles. Watch how Russia, China and the USA react to those countries as they each seek to gain control over those critical resources.

How is the Pandemic impacting countries and thus possibly the balance of power? Vaccines. Watch how Russia and China share their vaccines with the nations of the world.

We have spent decades living under a Balance of Terror. Russia and the USA have long stockpiled sufficient nuclear arsenals to obliterate the planet several times, and even though the cold war ended decades ago whenever a new country enters the nuclear club it wants to flex its muscles. New alliances may be in our future and the balance of power may enter a state of flux like no other in history.

Yes the balance of power is likely to change and  I think in large part it will realign largely how we exit the pandemic. The primary influence is likely to be if the USA ever regains the respect it once commanded on the world stage that was nearly rendered extinct when our previous administration was in office. The extent of the damage it presided over is only now showing itself, including the spreading danger posed by white supremacist militias. Can we overcome the internal strife caused by POTUS 45 and his band of marauders? We are about to find out.

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  1. Much more aware of the world political situation than I, as always. Good analysis and we shall indeed see where it goes.

  2. I think that the BOP in economic terms, as we used to know it is finished for ever. Some new alignments will take place but by and large nationalist policies will have to replace glaobalisation to a large extent, if vast numbers of the unemployed are to be cared for peacefully. In terms of BOP in military terms, the old equations will strain at the leash but will become steady in the next few years as a common enemy emerges. I predict a new cold war.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. ?=I see a schism of north/south rather than'
      east west/ and the ynext cold wear has begun. The saving ggrace in it all is global interdependence -

