Saturday, May 28, 2016

Love songs

It's date night.
A wise man once said "Some people want to fill the world with silly loves songs. What's wrong with that?"  Good question says I - so here are 10 of them. Of course of the 10 half may not make the same list next month but who cares. Sit back, relax and enjoy.  They are in no particular order.
This one includes some of my favorite lyrics - Terry Kirkman knows his way around a love song

This one was a fave even before I became good friends with the man that wrote it - Ron Ryan

From Gord's Gold - one of the first 3 albums I bought  when I got my first decent stereo system - more a classic breakup than love song

I wrestled in high school - this song is from a great HS wrestling/coming of age movie called Vision Quest -

Great song, great performance - Joe Cocker

Temptations -

I saw Jackie Wilson in a Tahoe lounge show - there was no better act headlining anywhere that weekend

 George Harrison in a classic
Hard to believe this one was in a Clint Eastwood movie
 Can't be my age and not love this one
 A classic from Etta James


  1. As usual impeccable choice of songs but what makes me curious is the beginning - It's date night and you writing a blog post other than the weekly LBC one. What is going on my friend?

    1. Saturday was my main date night when I had one - as a 3-sport jock,Fridays was always a game/match day - hence Saturday was the big night.
